This video may be about the situation in America, but if you just substitute America for Britain and the lineup of their usual suspects for our own cavalcade of cunts, the sentiment remains the same and this is the year we get to tell them so!
I couldn't even be bothered to post anything about the so-called "coup" to oust McFuckwit as it was, as usual, an inept, half-arsed, botched and gutless attempt which achieved absolutely fuck all - again - only this time was even more fucking pathetic than the last!!!
"Piss-up" and "brewery" spring to mind as they always do where Labour is concerned - horse shit and cunts are more useful than this bunch of wankers - if Charles Clarke and the other two useless Hoons tried to shoot themselves, they would fucking miss!!!!
Come to think of it, a wank is more useful than this shower of nonentities!
Ah, that's better! ;-)
We need to speak out like the Americans do. The only trouble with the British is, we've had 12 years of conditioning, brainwashing and indoctrination.... many people I know don't vote because they think it's a waste of time. They see all the major parties are as corrupt as each other.
Definitely a time for change, but first out of the EU and get our rights back....
Spidey these clowns are really dangerous to us and our way of doing politics. Every move they make signals to the newly arrived that OUR way is shit and THEIR way will be better. 646 fifth columnists. BTW Muffled Vociferation and Sarah Maid of Albion have both recently posted about Euro-Med, we can expect more nonsemse news to keep THAT off the headlines, and buffoonery like yesterday helps that process.
It is a many faceted fascist attack we are being subject to.
Hi Spider! I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks for the Hat Tip!
I know England will be rising soon, people can only take so much, and this is YOUR YEAR!
Your wonderful rant had me laughing, which I need to do before venturing out in the global warming blizzard and putting up with my own <span style="">cavalcade of useless cunts <span style=""> >:o </span></span>
Frankly all your rants the way you describe the labour snots brings to mind the group I'm stuck with...funny how all these nazi socialist shitstaines are the same! :-P
You're gonna LOVE the latest drama from my B-Day Week.
I'm leaving early for my meeting to discuss the wonderful document I passed along to you, that will be FUN! TTYL!
PS: THere's another video on my sidebar you might like
"This is my England"
Hey Spidey, Just steal stuff from Bunni. If you Hat Tip her, it goes straight to her head, and then head begins to swell.
As for the video ... In both countries we will rise and kick those assholes out. That is of course if Barney Frank and Chuck Shummer don't start registering dogs and cats to vote.
Great vid, and does indeed apply to the UK if the names are changed. I hope we can all take back our countries from the evil socialists soon.
This is a great video BS and has no bullshit in it. The background music is fitting and suits the images of these lying bastards, who are attempting to destroy the America of our founders, but the spirit of yesterday's patriots is alive and growing and these lying turds will soon be put where they belong--in the trash heap of history.
Someone do one for us. Pleeeeaaase. I don't know how to!
Good idea, D, leave it with me and I'll see what I can do. ;)
We have exactly the same problem here, Ron, as you know - our election on 6th May should give Obarmy a bloody good idea what's going to happen to him on 2nd Nov in the mid-terms! O:-)
It's really nicely put together, Opie, and I'm 100% sure that this is our year - if we're lucky, we will kill off these monsters forever. ;)
Little Bunni - surely not, Odie? ;)
As for cats and dogs, stranger things have happened under the socialists!
I certainly felt better after this rant - let's make their lives a misery this year! :-D
Thanks, Bunni, my pleasure, as always. :)
Lefties are the same the world over - they endlessly spout their indoctrinated mantra and try to pass it on in the schools to turn out more generations of little lefties - they make me sick.
It's the difference between:-
(1) The Left:
Compliant obedience, indoctrination, total control over your life from cradle to grave and the restriction and "crimes" that go with that, (while of course the politicians line their own pockets with your money and let the real criminals get away with it), and the death of free speech, (using "hate crimes" legislation - what a load of bollocks!), stangulation of the free market, and let's not forget about their utter incompetence with the economy and everything else they touch.
(2) The Right:
Free thinking and the ability to question you leaders' motives, freedom to get on with your own life without government interference, free speech without the fear of negative state intervention, a thriving free market economy with the competence to keep it that way - in other words, the complete opposite of socialism/communism.
I'll be over to your place shortly to check out the new video and you can let me know what happened today..... ;)
You're not kidding, INCOMING!!!!!!!, there is an ulterior motive with everything these fucknuts do - nothing is ever as it seems on the surface. If we want to change things for the better, we're all going to have to be a lot less stoical and "British" about it and put the fear of God into these cunts somehow. >:o
Thanks for the info, btw. ;)
I couldn't agree more, Sue, the pressure on Cameron is looking like it's going to be pretty intense after the election is out of the way - we need that referendum within a year of a Tory win. ;)
No problem, James, that's why we all joined AA - bring it on! :)
I'm hoping to get GOT interested in doing just that, Banned - if he isn't one step ahead of us already. ;)
Maggie had an aura of dignity and gravitas which these lefty cunts will never be capable of understanding as they are totally devoid of both.
Hi Spidey:
This is a great video and I have it up on my Facebook page. Your post is great and I learned some new words, too. Wikipedia actually has a photo to describe "wanker".
Isn't it amazing how the video applies to both of our country's politicians. Must be something about people who want that job...they're all cut from the same cloth. >:o
Thanks, TCL, that photo pretty much tells you all you need to know! :-D
Like you, I have come to the same conclusion about politicians - they are the same the world over and a lefty is still a lefty, no matter how they try to dress it up.
As far as this whole NWO shit goes, we now know that the left-wingers are just as dangerous as ever, perhaps even moreso as they portray slavery to the state as socialism/communitarianism which are merely pc terms for communism and all the tyranny that comes with it! >:o
Funny you should use that phrase "bring it on" That is PRECISELY what I said yesterday to my friend, when she wrote me a marvey note to bring to the wanker on monday.....OMG you're gonna faint when you hear!
Odie, I trust you were kidding about that?
Hi, Bunni,
Tell me all about it, I'm all ears! ;)
I wish to apologize to Bunni, One of my bestest buddies on the internet. I made a comment about her that turned out to be hurtful. When I wrote it at the time, I thought it was funny ... please forgive me Bunni ... your Bud, Odie
You'd better duck, Odie! :-D
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