Sunday, 10 January 2010


The Mail on Sunday is full to bursting today with new revelations about McFuckwit - this extract is just priceless. The rest of it is pretty good too and really is worth a read for some inside stories we already suspected but are now there for all to see in glorious black and white.

Peter Watt was at the head of the Labour Party machine during one of the most tumultuous periods in recent political history – the transfer of power from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown.

As General Secretary of the party between 2005 and 2007, he was its most senior member and at the heart of Government. He was a key player in the notorious 'Election that never was', the poll Brown ‘bottled’ at the 11th hour. 

Here he gives an extraordinary no-holds-barred account of the fiasco from which Brown’s reputation has never recovered – the first such account from a party insider. 

It details the indecision, chaos and seething resentment at the heart of Brown’s administration, and reveals how even the Prime Minister’s closest aides disliked him.......

Like many of my colleagues, I had had deep misgivings about Gordon becoming Prime Minister. He lacked leadership skills and seemed to struggle to relate to other people. Often he was downright rude.


Barking Spider said...

I expect that The Sun is holding its "Gordon Brown Ate My Hamster" story until just a couple of days before the election. Hopefully the Mail will keep up a steady drip drip drip of these insider revelations about our inanely inept pretend Prime Minister, the cunt.

Barking Spider said...

I always fancy amusing myself!
He is a rude McFuckwit, and that pic illustrates it perfectly.
Maybe he's related to a certain other rude, bonkers and completely mad and mental moron I know...they must have gone to the same charm school.

Barking Spider said...

Well, I suppose we shouldn't kick a dumb animal while its down.  The humane way is to put it out of its misery.

Barking Spider said...

Normally I would agree with you, James, but this one needs a damned good kicking before we put him out of his misery - it's only fair in his case - an eye for an eye, if you'll pardon the pun.  O:-)

Barking Spider said...

I love the title, Spidey! A commenter on my site (to your story) reckons that McFuckwit isn't necessarily bonkers but that the media, thanks to the NWO masters are portraying him as such.

Well, they don't have to jimmy much - he's evidently bonkers! His body language says it all.

Barking Spider said...

Whoever made the comment at your place must be thinking of someone else, Fausty, because this cunt is certifiably stark staring bonkers. :-P I reckon he's going to crack the closer it gets to the election.

Barking Spider said...

Spidey, we are in soooo much shit. Our reputation and good standing overseas has been totally trashed by these theiving Stepford Wives. Even the head hunters in New Guinea must be looking at us with a raised eye brow or two.

I hope he's there till the last possible day. He needs stringing up at the Tower until his dessicated body has been picked clean by carrion.

How the fuck can we look any nutter in the eye and say with a straight face, "No! Stop your muppetry, our way is better"?

OHHHFUCK it's going to take decades to repair the damage.

Barking Spider said...

That doesn't surprise me at all, Spidey!  Those clowns spawn the more arrogant, megalomaniacal, narcissistic nit wits with an overblown God complex on earth...even worse than a hybrid of the two is EXTRA creepy!  After my coffee I'm going to read the WHOLE thing and have a big Laugh!  
PS:  Thanks for your kind words over my way.  I used our pic thingy to have this little mite give his thoughts on both topics.
The kitty looks a bit like Sam, No?

Barking Spider said...

Don't worry mates, America is fast outpacing you with obugger running the show.  I think WE are the laughing stock of the world now.  And if he is successful, we will NEVER recover. :(
Something to cheer you up!  ;)

Barking Spider said...

First 'Winky McFuckwit' and now this.  I think I've found my quote of the week - thanks Denverthen ;)

Barking Spider said...

Spidey, ah yes, duos across the pond. There was Thatcher and Reagan and now we have Brown and Obama. It's funny how our two countries mirror each other.

Barking Spider said...

It's from where OR came from.

Barking Spider said...

Stepford wives - LOL!

Barking Spider said...

Stepford wives - LOL!

Barking Spider said...

Looks like Obamacare will go through. Any detectable eruptions that might derail it, Bunni?

Barking Spider said...

I wish I could say yes, Fausty, Perhaps if this guy in MA get's elected...but the demotards that run the show will just find other dirty ways to ram it through! There are news reports that they'll delay the voting if that happens.  I'm afraid it can't be stopped, I pray to GOD I'm wrong, miracles COULD happen!

Barking Spider said...

Don't know your Peter Watt, but you seem to think highly of him giving him a name like, Winky McFuckwit---wonder what name you would give him should you not like him!

Barking Spider said...

Ron, I think Spider Meant that Gordon Brown is the McFuckwit, because he is the insane bonkers one!  Watt seems to be OK, he is exposing the dirt on Brown, as an ex insider.

Barking Spider said...

I like Odie's point about Thatcher/Reagan and Brown/Obama.  I hope we get a nice conservative pair of leaders soon.

Barking Spider said...

Bunni is absolutely right, Ron, Winky McFuckwit is Gordon Brown, Peter Watt and his publishers have timed the release of his book perfectly - and he is showing Brown and Labour the same loyalty as they showed him when he worked for them. Good for him, they deserve everything they get and there will be more extracts from his book next week and the following weeks as the slow drip, drip of McFuckwit's poison and mendacity are laid bare for all to see. ;)

Barking Spider said...

Yes he does, Bunni, Sam didn't look so good when I first found him as he was pretty much on his last legs, but with TLC he turned into a really handsome cat over time. :)

Barking Spider said...

We need a better pair than the two fuckwits we have at the minute, Odie, that's for sure! This is the year we all get to tell them exactly what we think of them - Winky and his Labour fuckwits will be history and, come November, Obarmy won't be able to ram any more destructive bills through! :-P

Sheriff said...

I wish Winky Would LEAVE NOW!

The Arkayne recommends are cool!  You are on my latest above.
Gotta luv that name.....enjoy your Sunday, Spidey.  :*

Sheriff said...

I Linked you on my post of today!  Cam & the Pup!  :*