the IPCC is dead;
Phil Jones admitted that there hadn't been significant recent global warming for 15 years;
Aussies queued up to listen to Monckton speak;
Monckton received over 100 mentions in mainstream Australian newspapers;
prediction: the warmists will "go quiet for a bit", while working at local levels to promote their agenda;
Monckton will personally sue top-level IPCC personnel, if governments refuse to prosecute;
The IPCC underestimated the growth of Arctic sea ice by 50%! And of course, the Northern Hemisphere snow extent is the second highest on record!!
Great news about Lord Moncktons success in Australia :-D , my cousins there will be pleased.
Very interesting observation about how, having been defeated on the international scale, the greenies and warmongors will now redirect their still powerfull evil energies at international and ocal level. This is what the left did when Socialism was defeated in UK by the blessed Mrs Thatcher O:-) . They concentrated their subsequent efforts into infesting local administration, education/academia, Police and health services to such an extent that it hardly matters who pretends to rule in Westminster. The arrogant shits even have a well known secret organisation to train themselves, known in UK as Common Purpose and if dippy Dave had any balls he'd be preparing to kick out the cunts, motherfuckers >:o , but he hasn't.
So, let's be wary of Al :-$ Gore and his vile henchmen doing something similar as the IPCC is rightly ridiculed and the UN once more retreats into the shadows where it belongs :-P .
Spidey I noticed that LM was talking about our Honey Badger faced IPCC conman getting the clink a week or so ago, SWEET!!!
BTW the going underground malarkey is worrying, knowing these fuckers they'll be back reading the Report From Iron Mountain to acheive their evil aims and brushing up on Alinsky, that's partly why the big immigration effort over the past two decades.
Lord Monckton was a top adviser to Margaret Thatcher? Cool!
We are lucky to have him on our side.
Spidie, I want you to know that your comments don't always load up when I visit your page. So I visit more often than it would appear by my comments.
Thanks, Opie, other people have told me the same thing, although I have never had any problems with it myself. Smells like something a bit stinky at a political level is going on! *DONT_KNOW*
Right you are, INCOMING!!!!!!!, I read on the blogosphere jungle telegraph that Al Whore has not, in fact, disappeared up his own arsehole - he has been making videos which are intended for an intense indoctrination of the public in four states only - for now. Lefty tactics through and through - infiltrate and contaminate at a local level and then spread the poison nationwide - gradually - cunts! >:o
Have you noticed that any You Tube sites that openly criticise and expose Common Purpose, (e.g. Stop Common Purpose), are regularly shut down? When you visit the sites, you are just confronted by a sea of red print!! Sinister or what? >:o
Shame on YT for being so government compliant - especially when we are talking about the insidious indoctrination agendas of Common Purpose - we, as bloggers, are destined to become a real underground resistance if they ever are allowed to get away with censoring free speech in the blogosphere. We are all rapidly coming under the same sort of scrutiny as the "dissidents" of the old Eastern Bloc. Free Country?.....yeah right! I can see it now, "The Democratic Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". >:o For "Democratic Republic", read "Undemocratic Dictatorship"! >:o >:o >:o
What a combination those two are.
If they can infiltrate the local levels to propagate their garbage, so can we, banned! I suggest we beat them at their game - place ourselves in 'key' positions, even if we have to wear a cultural disguise to get there.
I love to listen to Lord Monckton---that man can drive home a point like few others. Read an interesting post at Mickeys Muses, a New Zealand blog about the ocean levels actually getting lower. Damn we may be heading toward another ice age and not Al Gore's inferno!
Thanks for posting this spidey.
Lord Monckton is brilliant, James, and thank goodness for no-nonsense Alex Jones giving him this regular platform to debunk the NWO charlatans! ;)
That's the way to do it, Fausty. ;)
Me, too, Ron, the beauty of it is that he is better qualified than the IPCC/UEA greenie zealots to analyse the data, (and already has done), and calculate climate trends properly and honestly - which is more than you can say for Michael Mann, Rajendra Pachauri and Phil Jones, to name but three. ;)
My pleasure, Odie, and I will post every show they make together- it's great to be able to hear the truth rather than NWO propaganda. :-P
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