Sorry, folks, this is another long post, but the more I find out about Andrew Gatward, the more disgusting he becomes, trolling the internet spouting the same repetitive, venomous, contradictory bullshit and vehemently attacking other people's points of view at every available opportunity. To remind you of this nasty piece of work and illustrate to anyone who else who hasn't yet come across him, you can read about him here, here and also in this post.
I informed him, if he bothered to read it, in my last post I knew the address I had published was not his current one but that I was in possession of it also - so, for the man who likes to publish other people's addresses and pictures of their homes......
Andrew Cuntwaft Gatward
(Born Anthony Cuntwaft Cooper)
The Stud House (yes, really!)
4, Dawnhill Lane,
Lincs DN21 5UH
01427 668977
And he actually has the nerve to fly the Union Flag every day like he's some sort of patriot - with "patriots" like him, we don't need enemies!
He is forever ranting on the internet about people who receive benefits - the fact is that his family are in receipt of Incapacity Benefit, Disability Living Allowance, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit and Child Tax Credit.
His disability is the manifestation of his years of steroid abuse during his wrestling career under the stage name of Andrew Strong. (Watch out - your security will go apeshit on this site and you can't get full access without becoming a member - from all the blazing red warnings I got when I went there, I'd say it's a phishing site so whatever you do, don't supply your debit/credit card details!) And....... I mean....... Andy "Strong"....... doesn't that say it all about his narcissistic personality and his need to dominate those who don't share his beliefs?
It is my honest belief that Gatward has got N.P.D. - Narcissistic Compulsive Disorder. Even as a wrestler in his youth he felt the need to refer to himself as Andy "Strong", inventing a new persona for himself as a statement of intent that he would now cast aside his weaker self.
I don't believe he's U.A.F. any more than I believe he's New Labour, Tory, B.N.P., English Democrat or anything else for that matter. He simply needs to dominate, needs to control, and he'll go to any lengths to attempt this, because his invented persona deems everyone else to be beneath him.
First he was British patriot, then a Communist, he became a Muslim, now he's a Jew and he will do this forever, unless he can create an environment where he is the God of all he surveys...... his "Acacia Freedom Fighters" bullshit is a perfect example of this. He wasn't getting as far in B.N.P. ranks as his personality craved (nothing less than the top job), so he attempted to create his own network whereby he was the "Commander-in-Chief" of all his minions.
Now I haven't got N.P.D., (I promise)...... but I don't want you to take my word for it...... instead look at the evidence of the disorder, and then think it over for yourselves as to what's been revealed about Gatward.
The worst thing of all about N.P.D. is that it is virtually untreatable, because people who have it never come to terms with the fact that there's anything wrong with them. Gatward is at war with himself and his real ego isn't strong enough to cope, so that's why he has to constantly reinvent himself as someone or something else when he gets found out.
This is a great case load of what N.P.D. sufferers are capable of doing, and then go about their lives as if they've done nothing wrong:
I find this one particularly disconcerting...... what the fuck is a grown man doing hanging out on yet another social networking site like hi5...... posing as a fifteen year-old???
The police should be investigating this unhealthy and disturbing behaviour!
He has also created a business profile on as the director of a company called Lincolnshire Entertainment Group Ltd. although a search at Companies House shows that there is no such company! He also says on the website he has a pilot's licence for both fixed wing aircraft and gliders...... yeah, right, of course he does!
Here are a couple of his "Jewish" personas:
1) Joseph Wench
2) Moshe Kratz
You might have noticed the one and only picture on his hi5 profile is a logo for Disabled People Against The BNP - that website was hardly even up and running before he was ranting his usual old shite at people...... in a way it was actually fucking hilarious...... it was literally "Welcome to Disabled People Against The BNP" swiftly followed by a major ranting session from Gatward....... what a stupid cockwaffling cunt!
THIS is also quite an interesting read as it absolutely blows all his supposed former "BNP infiltration" credentials right out of the water......
He is also under the impression that he's a bit of an intellectual.......
This is the one time he deigned to have a go at me using his own name......
And this is where he sneaked back four weeks later......
And finally, in his own words......
![]() |
One post is never enough for this specimen, so I'm sure there will be more to come and I'll finish this one off now, much as I did my previous post......
Andrew Gatward is a complete paradox, contradicting himself at every turn, an extremely twisted individual who should really be incarcerated in a secure mental institution for his own, (and everyone elses'), safety and I am by no means alone in my conclusions that he is a danger to himself and society!
He needs to be locked up for his own good, and ours! He is a rather pathetic creature who deserves as much pity as he does hatred. He is very ill and he should not be at liberty to vent his bile and threats on the general public.
You've got to admit though, SB, this cunt deserves it! :-P
The polls are rigged to fuck in Labour's favour, mate, they always have been but this time it seems to be worse now that the MSM's beloved commie party is on the way out. I'd say the Conservatives are actually miles ahead if the truth were known! ;)
Wow, Spidey, you should be in the CIA, you have outdone yourself finding out all the lies,
fuckwad uses. In that pic of his house, I feel sorry for his dog. :-P
He needs to be locked up forever, he's kookoo. I think he will be very mad and possibly
go over the edge if he reads this post!
He deserves a life sentence for the amount of times he's broken Godwin's Law in that final rant of his ;-)
Outed wanker!
<p><span>I have tried to get an official answer to this question without any answer.</span>
</p><p><span>Sorry Off-Topic but an answer is needed:-</span>
</p><p><span><span><span>Police Force been told not to arrest burglars</span></span></span><span></span>
</p><p><span><span><span>Why have the Cleveland Police Force, (Teesside, UK), been told not to arrest burglars for a first offence. </span></span></span>
</p><p><span><span><span>Is this done to try to fool people into believing crime is less because crime figures are lower?</span></span></span></p>
Thanks, Bunni, it has to be done with this bastard - now it even looks like he might be a paedo posing as a 15 year-old, ffs! >:o CUNT!
He's a sick boy - I'll look forward to hearing from him. ;)
We need to do intervention and rescue the animals,
Lord knows what he's doing to them! =-O
They've been doing this for a while for the reason that you mentioned and also because the prisons are now almost completely full because Tightwad Brown wouldn't use taxpayers' money to build more - oh, no!...... he had a huge public sector to construct as part of his communist "vision" of snooping and controlling every part of our lives so he squandered the money on that. >:o
Labour aren't so keen on FOI requests when that information would uncover their treacherous tactics! ;)
Oh! I just got a nasty mental image, Bunni...... =-O ....... brain bleach!
Not that I've become at all cynical about Labour's motives or anything...... :-P
Very thorough; I'm glad to say that nothing in the above exposition (apart from the picture with the Guinness free voucher thing) has anything to do with "richard", nor do I share any of Andrew Gatward's alleged values, including, regrettably (in one case only), the art of lawn maintenance.
Although asserting that someone has a clinically-definable mental health problem and then publishing their address might't be all that ethical, it's not my problem - they aren't my details, they aren't my quoted ravings or opinions, and I'm hundreds of miles away from the alleged addressee.
Have a nice day!
Wow, look at all the crap I miss. I only get spam in my comments ... never hate. It must be because I never take a political stand ... right. :-P :-P :-P
So, you don't like him all that much, BS?
Fair comment, James, you got me! :-P
Hmmm...... maybe it was something I said, Odie. ;)
Well, hello, "richard", fancy seeing you here - that didn't take long - haven't heard from you in ages. 8-)
Just one quick question.....
Remember that picture..... you know, the "incontrovertible evidence" that you sent me? *DONT_KNOW*
You see, I've been thinking...... the person in that photo looks like someone in their 20's, whereas "richard" recently gave his age as 46!
How can that be? =-O
Explanation gratefully received. ;)
I should add that the above comment from "richard" was on the occasion of Leg Iron's 50th birthday. :-P
20's? Thanks for the compliment, but you must have missed the white hairs in the beard, and the somewhat less than smooth brow. (You missed the greenish peepers compared to Andrew's steely-blues, and discounted the microscopic chance of Guinness sending Andrew a voucher marked Richard, so it's not really surprising, is it Professori?)
Having said that, I'm well-enough preserved. It ain't clean living, so it must be genetic. Granddad looked like he was 60 when he was 90. But keep up the good work anyway, and I'm sure Leg-Iron appreciated our best wishes on his birthday. He's one of my favourites, I'm glad you like him too, the more people read this kind of stuff the better.
Nothing above, apart from the "Not Andrew" pic (sent to get a rise, and it did) and the post to L-I has anything to do with me, nor have I seen any of the alleged Gatward material before; nor do I support UAF or the present (alleged) Labour (alleged) Government, not that there's any noticeable difference between them anyway. Bricks if you speak your mind, fines and a CURFEW if you sell a goldfish. What? Fuck 'em!
(20's eh? well I'll be damned - 20's? maybe late thirties... yes, I do train a bit, like to keep trim ... what? no, really, you're far too kind....pot noodles and beer, actually....yes, I DO have unusual skin, it's called "perfect" ha ha..... )
I can't see any wrinkles on the brow and the baseball cap worn at the jaunty/stupid angle is a bit immature/yoof for a 46 year-old. ;)
It's well beyond the decent bounds of jauntiness. I wear that cursed hat as part of my work uniform; an epsilon-minus semi-moron piece of headgear, but that's what you get for dropping out of college. I have no explanation for it's being wildly out of trim. Now then, a 4.5 decade smooth unwrinkled head will contain a few early memories; Pogle's Wood, Banana splits, Marine Boy, Double-deckers (where's Doughnut today?) Kids being hit with rulers or taped to desks (I can still spell and count, though!). Tufty the road-safety squirrel. Big square wooden radios, singing along to "watch for his coming el tigre" and "yellow bird". My dad putting a "pound's worth" into the Triumph Herald and using the few minute's time to chat with the attendant. Trebor chews (the dinosaur ones, five in a pack), Bazooka Joes (I got an angle-headed torch and fillings.). the Sparky comic (Puss'n'Boots) then later Fireball, and Bullet. Being woken up to see the moon landing; still remember it. Attaching playing cards to bicycle spokes to create a festival of sound; and the mighty Space Hopper, conqueror of continents.
So, Sir, unless I'm the victim of a massive hoax including forged documents, implanted memories, and dishonest friends and relatives, I stand by the assertion that I'm 46.
Way too much information rattled off in your above comment - easily obtained information at that. I have school friends with dark hair who developed grey ones during their teens and another was completely bald on top by the time he was seventeen so there is nothing unusual about a few grey hairs at that age - especially in the beard department. ;)
Really pathetic excuse for the baseball cap - one of the things I wasn't supposed to notice in that photo. :-P
And if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle - I stand by my assertion that you are not 46! :-D
You also refer above to forged documents...... I haven't seen any documents so this point is totally irrelevant and as your relatives have never given me any information about you, that point is irrelevant, too! ;)
Aha! Andrew Gatward is clearly older than 46. According to you I'm not even 30! (Thanks again,!) Two different blokes. Seems like the egg's been laid; caterpillar of doubt, pupa of reflection,and butterfly of realisation must surely follow. (the millipede of apology's a long way away, isn't it?) "Rattled off" is right. It was easily-obtained, via my memories. So I'm Andrew Gatward because my hat's at a ludicrous angle, I remember the past, and I look young for my age? Wouldn't stand up in court; doesn't stand up to a moment's logical thought. You've studied the man thoroughly - is there any trace of "richard" in AG's web-pages, or land-mine collection, or whatever that bilge is? You forgot about the green eyes/blue eyes, too. That's a difference that ain't no Goddam hat. .
P.S. say hello to your Aunt for me, and thanks for the entertaining blog.
As usual, you don't answer the questions, and you completely miss the angle I'm coming from! ;)
Don't think too hard, you'll hurt yourself! =-O
You also know a mine when you see one, eh? :-P
By the way, in both Photoshop and Picasa, when I compensate for the difference in lighting between the two pictures, the eyes in "your" photo turn exactly the same colour as the Gatward one - so, richard, yet another irrelevance! :-D
Besides, as I said, that's not where I'm coming from. ;)
Doh! Yep, I know a mine when I see one. So do you, which proves what? That we're both educated and widely-read, or that only one of us is, and the other's a nutter. I admire your search for truth, but don't follow your logic.
You change the eye colour, and they're then the same?
No.... I merely matched the lighting - try reading what I actually say and stop twisting my words to suit yourself. 8-)
"<span>land-mine collection, or whatever that bilge is?" <span> *DONT_KNOW* </span></span>
You see, that's where you let yourself down - more wriggle room - and I never mentioned a collection of mines.... hmmm...... you appear to know something that I don't! =-O
Very quick response, by the way. ;)
"one of Gatward's pieces of Nazi memorabilia" - your own words. If there's more than one piece, it's a collection, and Nazi memorabilia doesn't just appear - it gets collected. So I do know something you don't; how to deduce the presence of a collection, when I'm told by you that there are pieces, i.e. a collection.
Don't need room; not wriggling. You?
I do know what constitutes memorabilia, but you said, and your actual words were <span>"<span>land-mine collection"! ;) </span></span>
So what was that you were saying about wriggling? :-P
<p>Land-mine collection = collection of land mines. People collect military junk of like kind, such as cap badges, hats, daggers, or presumably mines, do they not? I concede that this isn't a given and I made an assumption, but by no means a wild one. Look, there's no shame in admitting that you may - possibly - have made an honest mistake. Evidence zero, apart from an eye which you changed until it suited your theory. Apply your well-honed scepticism to your own premise of richard = A.G, and see if it holds, or if it wasn't just a wild guess. Evidence, my dear fellow. E-mail or phone him, and ask if he's the youthful (yet again, ta!) guy with the post-it note. I believe you have his contact details. I'm not him and you damn well know it.
<span>I didn't change the eye to support my theory, (this isn't the CRU), I merely gave it, as it was extremely dark, the same amount of lighting as the picture of Gatward which was taken with the use of flash. :-D
As to the other stuff, I will get back to you on that..... in the meantime, as I said before, don't think too hard, you'll only hurt yourself. ;) </span>
Not a problem; at least you've differentiated my pic from one of Gatward. Progress is slow, but enlightenment looms. Think as hard as you like, you'll only benefit yourself.
Patience, old chap, patience. ;)
Moshe, don't try to make big talk with little men. this Nazi knows only one boundery and that's hate. Hisinformation comes from Michael Brown, whose daughter we have fostered because he beat her, abused her, beat his partner up, who has MS I must add, and if he thinks this scabs information carries any credibility he needs to think again, the blokes got a Policerecord as long as your arm,. Of course that would be an advntage to this freak and his gang because they all have too.
Brown gave this pervert all the information he is using here, and had his reliable friend found out the correct name of the business, he would have found it closed down in 2001, this was mentioned in the court case., that he failed to turn up to where his daughter was put in our custody.
I am not going into any of the crap put on here suffice to say thanks for the publicity.
Not wanting to confuse these Hitlerites too much, they say I am not Jewish. Theres a bit of math here moshe, so they won't be able to keep up, but if my parents were Jewish and my Birth certificate says Im Jewish, there must be a very good chance I am Jewish....
We know the information is coming via Brown, the joseph wench issue pulled everything together....These traitors, neo Nazis no nothing about patriotism sodon't even bother trying to converse with them
it don't matter if you get on his bad side all he prints is bullshit anyway so it makes no difference, and it gives everyonea good giggle
Which photo would that be? *DONT_KNOW*
The "Fuckwit" photo I published supposedly came from "richard", ("incontrovertible proof" :-D :-P ), and if you're referring to the photo of yourself, it did not come from "Michael Brown", whoever that is!
Like I keep saying, you're not as clever as you think you are and some of us, (obviously not you), are actually capable of digging up evidence! =-O
So you admit that you are Joseph Wench, well thanks for confirming that for me...... damn, I'm good! 8-)
Why, thank you, Andrew, coming from you I'll take that as a compliment that I'm doing something right to get your commie back up. :-P :-P :-P :-P
There aren't many people around here on my bad side, Andrew, only a selected few but, my-oh-my, you have been prolific with your comments today. I wonder what could have caused that?!!! *DONT_KNOW*
Calling Andy Strong...?
Come to my blog for banter and wrestling talk :-P
Nice one, CS, the way he's been posting around here today, he might just take you up on that. ;)
He's a sick boy, Gildas. ;)
I have come to the same conclusion as many others. This man hs almost certainly got some kind of mental health issue. Having met him a number of years ago, I saw through him pretty quickly. I know he used to work part time for DHL in Lincoln & joined the Lincolnshire BNP before being expelled within a short time. He did boast of his respect for Stormfront, yet his ideologiesare (from what he has written)are the loony left wing mould. When I say loony left wing, I am not referring to regular Labour voters, but more the extreme type of thinking.
The man in my opionion is not exactly the brightest bulb in the box & too easily gives himself away with his contradictive viwepoints, being both extreme left & extreme right wing. He lives in a fantasy world more akin to a two faced Walter Mitty, than an proffessional bodyguard. Even his company states it is in London, yet it has a DN post code. <span> </span>
Poor man.
You're absolutely right about Twatters being loony Left, Brythonic, he's now finally admitted that he actually is UAF and isn't trying to hide the fact from me any more. The UAF is about as communist, bonkers and nasty as they come - and even those fascist morons are extremely wary of this nutcase! ;)
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