This was supposed to be a memorial for the people who died when the fuckwit, Jared Lee Loughner, shot them in Tucson - but instead it was turned into a full-on, tasteless, Communist Party promotional rally by Obamalamashitbag and his vile, grasping dog of a wife, complete with T-shirts and oodles more communist party goodies and souvenirs!
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Mobama, who doesn't even have the decency to wear black, is in her fucking element, stifling laughter and applauding her arsehole of a husband.......
You are a braver man than I if you could watch this .... :-P :-P :-P
Hi Spidey, it sure is a perfect disgrace. These clowns have been planning this for almost 3 years, just waiting for a
9/11 like tradegy they could exploit. They are beyond vile, and moshell is a tastless twat. I wouldn't call her a dog because dogs are too nice, you know. >:o
Read this stunning expose where they got their slogan! I'm sure you can guess it's barry boy's horrid place OFA, you know the place that urged us to make christmas cards ;)
Rush was all over it today too, and Gateway Pundit. It get's worse by the second with this shithead. ewwwww
I'd call the faux-memorial oleaginously nauseating. I know cats who want feeding who display more convincing sincerity. The Obama spin machine just went kerboing!
Spidey, it was always going to be that, with photo opportunities and crocodile tears.
That is the first time I have ever seen a biography with cheering attached to a prayer.
It wasn't easy, Odie, I had to keep pausing it while I threw up! :-P :-P :-P
I should have called her an old hound/hag, Bunni! :-P :-P :-P
I can easily believe it - you've had that since Bush Senior, Clinton, Dubya and now Ofucknuts - four NWO lackeys in a row - we've had that since Major, Blair, Brown and now the Cleggerons! >:o >:o >:o
Reagan & Maggie were the last decent, patriotic leaders we had. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Thanks for the link - I've now put that stinking slogan into this post. ;)
I totally agree, Bill, nauseating in the extreme! :(
Do they really expect people to swallow this callous drivel or are we unusually cynical/awakened? *DONT_KNOW*
What made it even worse was that there was no attempt whatsoever to hide what they were doing! >:o
Have they really succeeded in dumbing everyone down to the extent where they don't realise what an affront to decency that bare-faced performance was or have they seriously miscalculated? *DONT_KNOW*
It would now appear, thankfully, to be the latter as it has come back rather quickly to bite them on the arse! :-P
It really was the most disgusting spectacle to behold, Trestin, the blatant, selfish disregard for the bereaved families was appalling! >:o
I'm with you all the way, GS, that's nicely summed up - well said! ;)
<span>I'm with you all the way, GS, that sums it up nicely - well said! ;) </span>
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