Obama's Birth Certificate: The "copy" the White House released is not a copy - it is manufactured. This video goes through the proof, and it's much more than the Illustrator "breadcrumbs" that others have found and talked about.
We've been lied to - again - and the White House was stupid enough to post proof of it on their own web server.
But the most surprising thing is that Fox News won't touch this - not even Glenn Beck wants to have anything to do with it - now, that strikes me as a very odd approach for a supposedly Republican-supporting, conservative news channel!
This is what I said about Obama's so-called birth certificate at James Higham's place earlier today.......
Check this out, James, it has been ripped to shreds by Euripides using Adobe Illustrator and appears to be a forgery made up of around ten overlaid elements!

Curiouser and curiouser!

There are all sorts of things wrong with it! Did you also notice that the capital "R"s are missing from words like "BA(R)ACK" when the overlaid element has been moved? It's on the document underneath and you can still see it there in the "Kapiolani" of Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital - it's also a different colour to the overlaid lettering. Some of the capital "K"s in words like "Kansas" are also on the document underneath - they display an imperfection from the original typewriter where the letter doesn't print completely, (the top part is very faint/not there), and this is totally unlike the "K"in "BA(R)ACK" which is on the overlay and printed in full. The "S" from "(S)TANLEY" is also on the bottom layer - the whole thing is so badly forged it wouldn't fool anyone!
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It wasn’t photoshopped – Euripides loaded the original PDF into Adobe Illustrator which immediately showed up all the overlaid elements – he then moved the biggest overlay to the side to show how it had been done - there was certainly no photoshopping involved nor did I change anything in Euripides’ original screenshot – follow the link and see for yourselves.
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I don't have Illustrator but I do have Photoshop and when I downloaded the original PDF from http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf, I was able to load just the background image into the programme and that made it very clear as to which letters, (the ones I'd noticed and mentioned to James earlier), numbers and signatures were used from whatever the original document actually was.
And here it is.......
It's a very strong argument, to be sure. I've put some counter-arguments, just to play devil's advocate but it is difficult to get away from this above.
Indeed it is, James, and what some graphic designers and other people who are photoshopping experts are saying negate that comment that James Nelson left at View From the Right. I think his attempt to baffle everyone with science in defence of Obama is highly suspect to say the least. ;)
And as for Dearieme's latest comment over at your place, you'll be pleased to hear I'm not even going to think about stooping to the level necessary for me to reply to that! :-D
outstanding, in a bit a rush and will look in detail later.
Fascinating evidence floating around about this Spidey, I was looking at a similar breakdown of the cert just yesterday and come to the conclusion that the only ones that are going to be fooled by this are the gullible core supporters of the NWO drone Obummer.
Thanks, mate. ;)
Spot on, TS/WS - I believe they would be classified as "white" or "caucasian", just as Obama would, in 1961, have been recorded as either "colored" or "negro"! ;)
Absolutely, S, those gullible core supporters are already up in arms about the forgery allegations/evidence and it seems that they will say just about anything to try and nip it in the bud and get Obumble off the hook! :-P :-D
This won't be going away anytime soon, of course, and maybe that's what they actually wanted - to keep the people distracted from the more dangerous tricks that he and his commie Demotards are pulling behind the scenes - like bankrupting America. ;)
Just did a bit more checking - and the word that the US government used up until the mid 1970's was definitely "negro" - so the "African" classification in Obumble's forgery is completely inaccurate and total bollocks! ;) :-P :-D
WOW, this is a fantastic post, Spidey! You sure have showed up the twat for the lefty lying POS he really is! How he thinks he can get away with this is beyond me, but the psyncopantic msm stupid media will give him another pass. I even watched his dumb speech about this, and he made sure to say to effect that "even now that I've released my real BC, people will say that this isn't real, blah blah"
OH REALLY, of course they will, because it isn't!
The video is super too. Once again, this is all a distraction. He's the real side show carnival barker clown car ringleader! They are up to no good, that's for sure. At least he didn't defile my TV viewing pleasure and him and his ugly cow defile the pretty wedding ;) Thank God for small miracles.
I've never played with photoshop or adobe illustrator so I'll take your word for it (and the experts at Prison Planet).
I can think of only two explanations.
1) Obumboy is similarly ignorant and clueless so did not notice when some fuckwit intern bashed this rubbish up.
2) Barak holds us in such contemp and despise that he can dish this up knowing that the msm will take it at face value and there is fuck all enquiring minds can do about it. Certainly UK Daily Telegraph published the White House version of events yesterday and todays paper was just full of The Wedding ( a good day to bury lieing news).
I'll wait till monday to see if they start questioning it, but I doubt it.
"core supporters are already up in arms " Good, the louder they shout the more attention it gets.
Great find! Linked to it on my TOTUS blog, thanks to Banned comment on that site. Glad to see everyone doesn't have their heads in the sand!!!
Thanks for the link, Ron, I wish the MSM would stop being such Lefties and report this - but at least the blogosphere is getting it out there. ;)
I think there's a certain amount of both explanations involved in this amateurish forgery, Banned, because he really is a clueless fuckwit who holds us all in utter contempt, thanks to his having been brainwashed by his commie indoctrinators into believing he has a "superior intellect" - as all Lefties falsely believe. ;)
Good update vid, photographs never lie, neither do computers LOL.
Thanks, Bunnikins, he's only succeeded in making a bad situation worse! :-D :-P
He was definitely trying to cover his arse in that puke-inducing speech but he clearly doesn't really give a fuck whether we believe him or not - not yet, anyway - maybe he'll care a lot more when he's getting closer to election day next year. ;)
What I don't understand is why Fox News, particularly Hannity, O'Reilly and especially Glenn Beck aren't running with this and shouting it from the rooftops! =-O
WTF is going on with them, I wonder?! *DONT_KNOW*
Thanks, mate - that's the best way to show what they've actually done - screen capture of the whole process as it happens. ;)
Definitely heavily doctored. Blow the original up to 800% and you can clearly see the background pattern, which is supposedly uniform, goes all to fuck wherever an entry has been made over it. Unmistakable signs of cut 'n' paste. There are several other markers as well, but that's the most readily oservable for novices to be able to spot.
Looky what knocked the Birth Record off the pages.
Obama got himself Osama!
Not to worry. The fraudulent killing of Bin Laden has swept the fraudulent birth certificate from the news.
My thoughts exactly, TS/WS, it's all a bit too convenient for my liking. >:o
Yes indeed, Nickie, what a coincidence! What are the chances of that happening? *DONT_KNOW*
The story keeps changing all the time, too - and it turns out that the so-called "live feed" they were watching was on a 25 minute delay - then they had a video blackout at the crucial point and by the time the feed had been re-established, the fraudulent deed had been fraudulently done! Makes you wonder about the intense look on Obumble's face and why Clinton felt it necessary to put her hand up to her face! =-O
Then, of course, there was the highly-decorated top brass in the "publicity" photograph who couldn't even be bothered to look at the screen the rest of them were supposedly watching! =-X
I could go on but I think you've already pretty much worked it all out for yourself, mate. ;)
I've had a good look at it in Photoshop, Dave, and you are absolutely right - the pattern is all over the place - it's such an amateur job it was either done on purpose to cause a distraction or it was pure, bloody, Left-wing arrogance and stupidity - they do all think that they have a "superior intellect" to the rest of us because they're brainwashed into thinking that by their communist/Common Purpose indoctrinators! Nothing could be further from the truth! ;)
I couldn't agree more - makes them sound desperate, too! :-D :-P
Thanks, I think! *DONT_KNOW*
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