The following report includes previously unpublished documents concerning the forged birth certificate and the removal/destruction of Obama's original birth registration documents in Kenya, which appears to be a criminal act instigated by Obama's keepers and puppetmasters!
There is far too much stink surrounding this for there not to be a large pile of covered-up shit causing the smell.......
Jerome Corsi has told a Cincinnati radio station that he is preparing to file criminal charges against the White House for producing a fraudulent birth certificate, as the controversial author of "Where's the Birth Certificate?" closes in on the people within Obama's inner circle he claims were behind the hoax.
"We believe the birth records released by Barack Obama on April 27th, the so called long form birth certificate, is fraudulent," Corsi told radio host Bill Cunningham.
"I'm working on filing criminal charges on the White House, I think there will be criminal charges filed very soon for having fraudulently produced a birth certificate," said Corsi, adding that he would seek an FBI investigation.
Corsi reaffirmed the fact that he was close to identifying the individual who played a key role in forging the birth certificate, as well as the source document which the White House used to create the composite fake.
He is also closing in on the people within Obama's inner circle who were responsible for creating the fraudulent document that was released by the White House in electronic format and contains a plethora of errors and clear evidence of manipulation.
"I'm pretty well on the trail of linking the characteristics of this document to someone who's going to have a lot of explaining to do," said Corsi, adding that he was "hot on the trail" of one individual who "may have had a hand in this," and that his identity would be released this week.
In a new development, WorldNetDaily reports that Obama's Social Security number was issued in Connecticut, a state in which he never lived.
"The first three digits of Obama's Social Security Number are 042. That code of 042 falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration has been 040 through 049," states the report.
"There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," says Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."
Daniels said that Obama decided to hide his identity in the 1980′s by taking a Social Security Number he couldn't possibly have acquired without breaking the law.