Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Islamic Extremist Attacks Tommy Robinson

In this video, a "tolerant" Muslim in a scruffy nightshirt shows his true colours........

Religion of peace, my arse!



  1. Tommy's ok, he was in Zurich today protesting (With Kev Carroll) on top of the FIFA HQ about the poppy ban on the England shirt.

  2. I totally agree, Bunni, there's going to be a civil war over here at some stage - I'm convinced that it's just a matter of when, not if - it gets nearer with each passing day and each government betrayal of the British people! >:o >:o >:o

    The same thing will happen on your side of the pond - and you guys are still better armed than we are...... just as well that your are - it will be more difficult for us to begin with. :(

  3. Just found this comment on Blogger.......

    Quiet_Man said...

    Tommy's ok, he was in Zurich today protesting (With Kev Carroll) on top of the FIFA HQ about the poppy ban on the England shirt.
    <span> November 09, 2011 6:34 PM </span>
