Apologies for the long gap in blogging - it was completely unscheduled but badly needed.
Anyway, enough of that, let's get back to the shit that's infesting Britain, courtesy of our Lefty politicians.......
This is Stacey Dooley - she was born in Luton and grew up there - just look at it, now.......
Good for her, standing up to the bastards like that!
Hi, Spidey. I knew there was a huge gap in the blogosphere but couldn't quite recall why! Get too it!
ReplyDeleteA thought provoking video and a VERY brave young lady...such video needs a vider audience...before we all find ourselves under sharia law...
ReplyDeleteI seem to have some memory of this place. I must know it because it was on my sidebar, but not on the bottom but the top ... made me take notice.
ReplyDeleteMulticulturalism will bury us all if we let it.
This type of situation was destined to happen as it was planned to happen by tptb. When you allow other cultures into a country and give them freedom to grow, even better still, suppress the majority culture in order to cater for the minority then you have exactly this situation. But why? Why would the elites allow this to happen?
ReplyDeleteIt's quite simple to understand why, but first you have to do the groundwork which means the whole anti Islam thing and going back to the past. The future was written in the past and that's where you'll find the answers.
As I've constantly stated in many articles, once you implant an alien culture (antithesis) into an indigenous culture (thesis) you then create a multiculture (synthesis), the result being that both cultures technically die. Stronger cultures survive over the weaker ones. British (English, Scottish N.Irish and Welsh) is weaker as has been seen from the video. When the stronger within society see this they rebel and you get groups like the EDF springing up along with political parties like the BNP, English Democrats, England first etc etc. However they'll get nowhere as society no longer is what it was. They are dinosaurs living in a land way past their extinction date.
The growth of multiculture is doing just what it's supposed to do, that is mix cultures together to destroy the indigenous and create anger as has been see in the video and those who watch it. Guaranteed the anger will grow and grow but there won't be any Islamisation overall. Sure there will be ghettos and no go areas for whites, but this is all being allowed to happen in order to forment support from the community, to gather the young men and women for their future rolls in being cannon fodder and bulldogs when they send them into the middle east to kill Islam and plunder their lands for natural resources, of course taking them over for the banks and instituting democracy, that is control of country through debt, with controlled puppets in government.
The English are no longer English, the Scots Scots, the Welsh Welsh and the Irish Irish. They think they are, but they're not. They've moved well beyond their own indigenous culture into a being nothing but globalised automatons, being told how to think and what to do by the MSM.
Sure the video will piss people off, but it's supposed to. If the government can arrest people for self defense then it can remove people, even if they're born here and send them to a land where they'll be happy. They could have a total lockdown on entrance to the UK, but they won't. They're following orders from their controllers and the controllers want war and willing subjects to fight it. Violence on the streets also allows lawyers and courts to make more cash, not forgetting more liberty destroying legislation.
This is the reality Barking Spider. It's a Hollywood movie where the people of Britain are the unknowing cast, who were never given any lines to read. It's reality TV for the future.
Cheers Barking,
ReplyDeleteGod Bless that young Lady!
Seeing this happening in Britain and all over Europe is extremely upsetting to say the least.
We here in the U.S. are not strangers to this either, we are just not as far along as those of you across the pond, yet.
These archaic and barbaric Satan worshipers speak very clearly on their thoughts, beliefs and goals and yet the masses the world over do not hear them?
Exit question: What are all those CCTV cameras for, to watch the slaughter?
What a beautiful brave woman. The scum that has destroyed her city, and most all of the UK is just puke enducing. Welcome back Spidey, Please don't stay away so long again.
ReplyDeleteHi, OR, thanks, mate, it's been a while so I'm in serious need of a good rant before something blows. :-D
ReplyDeleteShe's got more balls than that arrogant twat doing all the pointing and the rest of them put together, mate - you'll never see just one of them out on the streets on their own! ;)
ReplyDeleteHi, Odie, good to see you, mate - I completely agree - the same thing is happening in America and all over Europe and our nasty/stupid/Lefty politicians won't do a damned thing about it because it's all part of the NWO/Agenda 21 programme and they're deliberately importing a civil war to cause chaos and wipe a large number of us out. Hold onto your guns, mate, you'll need them!
ReplyDeleteHi, Bunnikins, she was outstanding - that fucker doing the pointing clearly wasn't used to being stood up to like that - and by a woman, too...... that must have really stuck in the cunt's craw! :-D :-D :-D :-P :-P :-P
ReplyDeleteI'll try not to stay away for too long again - as I say, it just kind of....... happened, so I went with the flow. ;)
Nice one, OR, thanks. :)
ReplyDeleteBrave young lady. She sure was getting an earful from that kook, Andy Choudary :-P , at the end of the video. This craziness will be coming to the US soon if we don't wise up.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you back in action. You were missed.
She got one thing wrong at 2:24. She said: "This is my home town as well." What she should have said was: "This is my home town." Full stop.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, mate
ReplyDeleteVery true, James, she showed a lot of restraint, there, but she showed the bastards up for what they are in the process. I must admit that, in the same position as her, it would have been very tempting to break that arrogant pointing cunt's finger! :-P :-P :-P
ReplyDeleteShe was great! She's got more balls than many pussy politicians in the United States and Britain.
ReplyDeleteThat's for damned sure, Teresa - Dodgy Dave Cameronslime has no balls at all!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Dioclese, sorry to be so late in replying but I've only just found your comment, mate - it's because of all the government snooping bullshit that's going on - completely fucked up my comment system.
ReplyDeleteWe have to be monitored every hour of every day, mate, seems we're not to be trusted - it's worse than the fucking Stasi over here!
ReplyDeleteHi, Harbers, good to see you over here, mate - sorry for the delay - it's because of all the NWO/Google fuckwittery which means there are a load of comments that I haven't seen until now. Thank goodness for Disqus or I'd still be in the dark!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, mate - bang on the money, I think I've now reached just about the same stage as you were at about a year ago - I'm bloody seething most of the time. ;-)